Our Snow Day learning experience was a success! Many thanks again to Robin for coordinating and to Krista, Hailey, Karen, Randi, and Robin for helping us make this a fun day for the kids. Enjoy your Winter Break. Be safe, stay warm and make memories. See you in 2015!
They will be representing our class for the Brassfield Spelling Bee on Jan. 7th. Good luck you two!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday Dec. 18th, is our Snow Day learning experience from 12:30-1:45. If you are volunteering to help please stop by earlier to help set up. Many thanks to Robin Kent for organizing and for everyone who has sent things in. The kids are super excited!
Track Out is almost over. I am looking forward to seeing everyone all rested and ready to learn. Don't forget to bring homework packets back. We start assessments as soon as we get back and I want everyone to be ready. See everyone Monday, December 8th!