
Our B.E.A.R.S. expectations are under construction. 

B.E.A.R.S. is Brassfield's positive behavior intervention system (PBIS) acronym. It stands for:
E- Engaged

Our classroom and school rules are built upon this acronym. When we are showing B.E.A.R.S. behavior we will earn Pawsitive Paws/DOJO's  in the classroom. We can turn 10 in to earn special privileges. 

BEARS are...
●   Show perseverance
●   Take risks
●   Volunteer
●   Be a leader
●   Ask for help
●   Actively participate
●   Listen to the ideas of others
●   Share your thoughts and opinions
●   Be prepared for learning
●   Complete work
●   Be a contributing partner or group member
●   Be kind with your words and actions
●   Raise your hand to speak
●   Listen to others who are speaking
●   Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
●   Follow teacher’s directions

We know our classroom is a community. All communities have rules and laws to keep things safe, be fair and to maintain order. It is our responsibility to follow these rules and laws. 

  • Pawsitive Paws
  • BEARS tickets
  • Positivity Project awards
  • DOJO points
  • Verbal recognition
  1. Reminders
  2. Time out or time by yourself
  3. Lose a DOJO point
  4. Contact parents
  5. Office referral

We will learn that the most important thing to know about rules and consequences is they can change is something is not safe, fair, or maintaining order as long as there is consent among classmates. We will revisit these rules and consequences throughout the year to see if they need to change. 

The real goal is to help your child become self regulated and learn positive strategies to manage their own behavior. 

This year we will be a part of the Positivity Project. We will learn 24 character traits that will make us happier people and remember that #other people matter. 

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