Friday, January 10, 2020


Twitter: @Chernschildren

   News from the week of Jan.6
Quarter 3 Week 1
A note from Mrs. Chern… 
Happy New Year! It is so nice being all together again. Did you know as of
January 10th we are officially halfway done with 1st grade? Pretty
unbelievable! That being said we are now 1st graders getting ready for 2nd
grade. Therefore, our classroom consequences have changed a bit. Since
we have had lots of chances and opportunities to learn and practice
classroom/school rules and procedures from now on instead of getting a
reminder, getting a time out and then losing a DOJO NOW we will get a
reminder and then lose a DOJO. You may notice an increase in DOJO loss
as the students adjust to getting less chances to be accountable.
Hopefully it will happen only a few times and they will get right on track.
Report cards came home today along with iStation information. You will
find a report in black and white as well as log in instructions on how your
child did during the December assessment window. There are lots of
resources on iStation for your child to practice and review skills learned.
Take advantage of it. At the top of your child’s report there is a number
of minutes per week recommended by iStation for how much time they
should spend working in iStation. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Upcoming Week’s Standards… 
Reading: Identifying text features and what we learned from them,
identifying main idea and key details 
Writing: Using research to write informational “All About” books with
an introduction, details and facts, and closure
Spelling: Unit 18
Math: balancing equations to make them equal, commutative and
associative property
Social Studies: Income, money, the difference between goods and

There will be a math sheet on equality if you choose to do it. 

Upcoming Events… 
  • 1/20 No School Monday in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King 
  • 1/27 - 2/18 Track Out. We will be in room 207 when we return
  • 2/18 the 100th day of school!!!!
  • 2/18 Day we will exchange valentines if you choose to send them in with your child
  • 3 / 8 Daylight Savings. Turn clocks ahead one hour. 

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit” ~