Click here to get to this week's newsletter. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks to everyone who helped to get field trip forms and money in this week. It was a tremendous help :)
Click here for this week's newsletter.
Interested in volunteering on a regular basis? Enjoy working with small groups of students and leading them on a challening journey of learning? K.I.T. may be for you. Click here to learn more and joing a session lead by our AG teacher Mrs. Carr. These are units so you can choose 1 or all 4.
Click here to get to this week's newsletter. The kids were awesome at the Walk-a-Thon!
Mark your calendar. On September 28 from 1:55-2:40 our students will perform a Spanish Concert in the Learning Commons. Want to know more? Click here for a note from Senora Lipetzky and Mr. Colon.
Does your child want to practice at home to be ready? Click here to go to Senora Lipetzky's blog and click on the 1st grade project.
Click here for this week's newsletter.
There is a new poll!!! I'd love to hear from you ------------->
If you wanted to order books from Scholastic the deadline is today. I won't do the order until Monday so if you need a few more days please do is ASAP. You can order online at Our class code is HCPJW. Tons of good choices available each month and very reasonable priced. September 15ish we will celebrate "Dot Day" with others around the globe. The Dot by Peter Reynolds can be found in Scholastic's SeeSaw September edition. If you do not know this story check it out. It will soon become a family favorite. It supports the "Power of Yet", the Growth Mindset, never giving up and GRIT.