Twitter: @Chernschildren
News for the week of Sept. 9
Quarter 1 Week 8 (7)
A note from Mrs. Chern…
International Dot Daycelebrating the amazing book
This Week’s Standards…
Writing: The publishing process .
Spelling: Unit 7
Math: Strategies for solving word problems word problems (Add to Result Unknown,
Add to Change Unknown, Take From Result Unknown, Take From Change Unknown).
There are a two homework sheets to explain more about this.
Science: Launch Earth and the Universe, What can you find in a daytime and nighttime
The September OPTIONAL Reading Challenge is DUE Sept.. 27th.
Upcoming Events…
- 9/26 Spanish Concert at 1:50 in the Learning Commons at Brassfield
- 9/30 No School!
- 10/1 Field Trip Permission forms and money are DUE
“Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is
success” ~ Henry Ford