Twitter: @Chernschildren
News for the week of Sept. 30
Quarter 2 Week 1
A note from Mrs. Chern…
Quarter 1 will carry into Quarter 2 since we lost a week of
instruction for hurricane Dorian. Report Cards will be sent home
Friday. Please be on the lookout for them. We gained a new student
this past week. Please welcome Briella and her family to Raleigh and
Brassfield. Mrs. Burton was placed in a new school and is starting today.
Unfortunately, last Thursday was our last day with her here at Brassfield.
I made her promise to come and visit when traditional calendar has a day
off and we are in school. There is a schedule set for 1st and some
Kindergarten TA’s to rotate in and out of our classroom. We will begin
this today and reassess in a few weeks to see if it needs tweaking. I know
a few parents expressed interest in coming in to help. If you are willing,
please let me know and I will see where I can place you in the schedule.
With the loss of Mrs. Burton I am going to be working really hard with
the kids on responsibility. They have to become more responsible with
turning in their DOT notebook/red folder daily, taking home their
bookbags, lunchboxes and water bottles, and keeping up with their coats.
I will of course tell them EVERYDAY to collect these things. If they are
not bring them home it is because they are not listening to directions. You
can help by encouraging follow through of directions at home. They can do
it. It is age appropriate :) We are in DESPERATE NEED of sidewalk chalk.
The kids have been drawing like crazy and we are down to our last box.
This Week’s Standards…
retelling, author’s message
Writing: What is an opinion?, forming an opinion, forming good strong
Spelling: Unit 9
Math: Place value
Science: The sun,, features, appearance, how all things in the sky
to the week we missed school because of Dorian)
The October OPTIONAL Reading Challenge is DUE when we track back Nov. 112
Upcoming Events…
- 10/1 Field Trip Permission forms and money are DUE
- 10/16 Ag in the Classroom in house field trip (no chaperones needed)
- Curriculum Cafe night 5:00-7:00
- 10/17 McTeacher Night (sorry I won’t be there I am working that night)
- 10/18-11/11 Track Out
- 11/12 Track in day and October reading challenge DUE!
“Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is
success” ~ Henry Ford
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